Age of Bronze Audiobook – Rise of Mankind Series, Book 2

Science Fiction & FantasyAge of Bronze Audiobook - Rise of Mankind Series, Book 2
5/5 - (1 vote)
Status: Completed
Version: Unabridged
Author: Jez Cajiao
Narrator: Neil Hellegers
Series: Rise of Mankind Series
Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Updated: 20/05/2024
Listening Time: 21 hrs and 16 mins
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Age of Bronze Audiobook: An Odyssey of Gods and Mortals

As I embarked on the auditory journey that is the Age of Bronze Audiobook, I couldn’t help but feel as though I was stepping through a portal, leaving behind the mundanity of my daily life to immerse myself in a world teeming with gods, heroes, and the raw essence of myth. This second installment in Jez Cajiao’s Rise of Mankind Series promised an adventure, but what I found was nothing short of an odyssey – a narrative so rich and compelling that it felt like a rediscovery of the mythological tales that have long captivated the human imagination.

Jez Cajiao’s prowess in storytelling is matched by Neil Hellegers’ dynamic narration, which breathes life into the sprawling universe and its inhabitants. Hellegers’ voice becomes a conduit for the emotions, conflicts, and aspirations of characters who are as complex as they are captivating. His portrayal adds layers to the narrative, enhancing Cajiao’s world in a way that only a truly synergistic author-narrator pairing can achieve.

At its core, Age of Bronze is a tapestry woven with themes that resonate deeply with the human experience – identity, justice, and greatness. Cajiao doesn’t just tell a story; he invites us on a journey alongside characters who grapple with their destinies in a world where gods meddle and morality is as fluid as the whims of those who wield power. The protagonist stands at the center of this maelstrom, embodying both the fragility and indomitable spirit of mankind.

What sets this audiobook apart is not just its ambitious scope or Cajiao’s meticulous world-building – it’s how these elements serve to frame a narrative that is profoundly human. The magic system, political intrigue, and mythological motifs are not mere backdrops but integral components that drive character development and plot progression. They compel us to consider not only what it means to be heroic but also what it means to be fallibly human in a world where the divine and mortal realms intersect.

Listening to Age of Bronze, I found myself swept up in moments of exhilarating action, profound introspection, and poignant humanity. The audiobook doesn’t just entertain; it challenges listeners to ponder their own place within the tapestry of stories that define our collective imagination. It’s an experience that is both immersive and introspective, leaving one both satisfied yet yearning for more.

As I reflect on my journey through the Age of Bronze Audiobook, I’m left with a sense of awe – not just for Cajiao’s creation but for the timeless allure of storytelling itself. This audiobook stands as a testament to the power of narratives that bridge worlds, cultures, and epochs – reminding us that within tales of gods and mortals lie truths about our own world.

For those seeking an escape into a realm where fantasy meets philosophy, where every chapter unveils layers of intrigue and emotion, Age of Bronze awaits. And for those eager to embark on this odyssey without delay, know that this enriching experience is freely available for download at

As I close this chapter on my literary blog and look toward new horizons filled with untold stories waiting to be discovered, I’m reminded why I fell in love with audiobooks in the first place. Here’s to our next adventure into realms unknown. Happy listening,



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