King of Scars audiobook – The Nikolai Lantsov Duology, Book 1, King of Scars Duology, Book 1

Teen & Young AdultKing of Scars audiobook - The Nikolai Lantsov Duology, Book 1, King...
5/5 - (1 vote)
Status: Completed
Version: Unabridged
Author: Leigh Bardugo
Narrator: Lauren Fortgang
Series: King of Scars Duology, The Nikolai Lantsov Duology
Genre: Teen & Young Adult
Updated: 09/08/2024
Listening Time: Unknown
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King of Scars Audiobook: A Regal Resonance of Magic and Mystery

It was one of those evenings where the world outside seemed to hush in anticipation, the kind that perfectly sets the stage for an audiobook that promises a rich tapestry of intrigue and fantasy. The air was crisp, with a whisper of winter still lingering as I settled into my favorite armchair, a cup of steaming tea in hand. The dim glow from my reading lamp cast shadows around the room, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere – a fitting ambiance for diving into Leigh Bardugo’s King of Scars Audiobook. As someone who thrives on the thrill of unraveling mysteries and exploring fantastical realms through spoken word, I knew I was about to embark on an unforgettable journey.

The moment Lauren Fortgang’s voice filled the space, articulating each character with such precision and emotion, I felt myself transported into the heart-stopping adventure that is King of Scars. Bardugo’s skillful storytelling woven with Fortgang’s vocal prowess made it impossible not to become engrossed in Nikolai Lantsov’s world – a world teetering on the edge between devastation and salvation.

As I delved deeper into this auditory odyssey, it became clear that Bardugo had once again crafted a narrative brimming with suspense and awe-inspiring moments. The parallels drawn from her previous work, Six of Crows, were evident in both plot intricacies and character development – yet King of Scars stood out as its own entity, inviting both newcomers and seasoned fans alike into its embrace.

Nikolai Lantsov is a protagonist who commands attention – not just because he is royalty but because his layers are meticulously unveiled throughout the tale. His internal struggles juxtaposed against his country’s external threats created a palpable tension that resonated with me long after pausing the audiobook. Every secret revealed, every alliance formed, every ancient magic encountered felt like pieces of an elaborate puzzle coming together under Fortgang’s spellbinding narration.

The genius behind Fortgang’s performance lay in her ability to capture each character’s essence – from Nikolai’s charisma to Dominik’s complexity – ensuring listeners were emotionally invested at every turn. It wasn’t merely listening; it was experiencing – the highs and lows reverberated through her intonation as if she weren’t just narrating but living through each scene alongside us.

For those seeking their next auditory indulgence, you’ll be pleased to know that this enriching experience known as King of Scars Audiobook free awaits your ears at To immerse yourself within Bardugo’s crafted world without any barriers is nothing short of magical.

Reflecting upon my time spent listening to King of Scars, it struck me how rare it is to find a story that balances darkness with light so deftly – a narrative that can terrify yet excite simultaneously while unraveling deep-seated emotions. It spoke volumes about Bardugo’s prowess as an author and Fortgang’s mastery as a narrator; together they have created more than just an audiobook – they’ve birthed an experience that lingers like echoes in a grand hall long after silence has fallen.

As I sit here now, contemplating my next literary venture with eager anticipation, there is no doubt that King of Scars has left its mark upon me – an emblematic scar reminding me of the power stories hold when they leap from pages and come alive through spoken words.

To fellow bibliophiles yearning for journeys lined with mystery and illuminated by otherworldly hues – I say this: may your path also cross with Leigh Bardugo’s enchanting universe brought vividly to life by Lauren Fortgang. And until we meet again amidst tales spun from whispers and dreams,

Eagerly awaiting our next narrative adventure,
Happy listening,


My name is Stephen Dale, I enjoy listening to the Audiobooks and finding ways to help your guys have the same wonderful experiences. I am open, friendly, outgoing, and a team player. Let share with me!


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