Stephen King – On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft Audiobook

One ShotStephen King - On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft Audiobook
5/5 - (1 vote)
Status: Completed
Version: Unabridged
Author: Stephen King
Narrator: Stephen King
Series: Unknown
Genre: One Shot
Updated: 23/11/2023
Listening Time: Unknown
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On Writing: A Memoir Of The Craft Audiobook Free Download

‘If you don’t have the time to read, you don’t have the time or the tools to write.’

So what drives Stephen King to write? This is the book to learn the reason Mr. King writes daily, and what tips he gives to those who want “to write the next great novel” so that they, too, can be successful. As one who has taken part in the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) since 2012, it was the first book I added to my library to become a better writer.


Here is Stephen King’s master class on his craft.

On Writing begins with a mesmerizing account of King’s childhood and his early focus on writing to tell a story. A series of vivid memories from adolescence, college, and the struggling years that led up to his first novel, Carrie, offer a fresh and often funny perspective on the formation of a writer.

King then turns to the tools of his trade, examining crucial aspects of the writer’s art and life, offering practical and inspiring advice on everything from plot and character development to work habits and rejection.

King was in the middle of writing this book when he was nearly killed in a widely reported accident. Stephen King – On Writing Audiobook culminates with a profoundly moving account of how his need to write spurred him toward recovery, and brought him back to his life.

Audiobook Review

I enjoyed this audiobook thoroughly, and took my time reading it. I could “hear” Mr. King’s “voice” in my head as I read this on my iPad Kindle app. I felt like I was reading something from a friend – as if he had written a personal letter to me – to give me an understanding of what he went through to become the person he is today.

I think that his directives about the “how-to’s” and “don’t do’s” were very practical. I breathed a sigh of relief when I got the feeling that writing classes and clubs are kind of a waste of time. Just write, is what I think he was telling me, I mean, his audience. I will probably read it again. What I got from his personal, real-life-lessons is this: Read a lot. Read good stuff. Write all the time. Find a place and write. Don’t share your stuff unless you share it with someone you can trust. Go with your gut. Write all the time (I said that already because he said it or inferred it frequently). Don’t use the same adjective over and over. Stick to the point. Don’t over-do it on the descriptions. Let your audience see the movie you see in your head, because if you write it well, they will.

I am glad this wasn’t a “point by point HOW TO WRITE a story or a book” book, because really, writing isn’t something you can do easily from a bulleted list. Writing is something you do from your heart, and you keep doing it until it’s right and good. And then when that person you trust reads your stuff and offers some criticism, you can take it for what it’s worth and use it or not.

Download and Listen Free!

On Writing is both a textbook for writers and a memoir of Stephen’s life and will, thus, appeal even to those who are not aspiring writers. If you’ve always wondered what led Steve to become a writer and how he came to be the success he is today, this will answer those questions.

Stephen King – On Writing is now available in audible format, mp3 is almost 8 hours long, yet the narration by himself is so enticing that you get hooked instantly.


My name is Stephen Dale, I enjoy listening to the Audiobooks and finding ways to help your guys have the same wonderful experiences. I am open, friendly, outgoing, and a team player. Let share with me!


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