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Flawless audiobook – Chestnut Springs, Book 1

RomanceFlawless audiobook - Chestnut Springs, Book 1
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Status: Completed
Version: Unabridged
Author: Elsie Silver
Narrator: Emma Wilder, Sebastian York
Series: Chestnut Springs
Genre: Romance
Updated: 22/01/2024
Listening Time: Unknown
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Secrets in the Shadows: A Chilling Tale of Deception and Betrayal

In the silent hours of a moonless night, when the world was asleep and shadows played tricks on my walls, I delved into the haunting world of Flawless by Elsie Silver. The stillness around me only heightened the suspense as Sebastian York and Emma Wilder’s voices echoed through my headphones, weaving a tale of four girls ensnared in a web of their own making. The darkness seemed to lean in closer, listening with me to the secrets that unfolded.

The story picks up where we left off in Pretty Little Liars #1, with Aria, Spencer, Emily, and Hanna’s lives seemingly smooth on the surface yet tumultuous beneath. Their high school days were riddled with corruption, kept under wraps by a bond tighter than any lock. Yet now, even with their ringleader gone from this earth, safety is but an illusion – threatening messages continue to haunt them relentlessly.

As each girl grapples with her own demons and suspicions about who could be tormenting them with knowledge of their past sins, I couldn’t help but feel their paranoia seeping into my room. Who is this mysterious A? Could it be someone they once called a friend or perhaps someone much closer? The tension built with each chapter as secrets threatened to spill over like a cup filled too full.

Sebastian York and Emma Wilder brought an electrifying energy to their narration that made my skin prickle with anticipation. Each character’s fears and inner turmoil were palpable through their performance, pulling me deeper into the mystery. It felt as though I was standing amidst the girls themselves, watching as they navigated through this labyrinth of lies and deception.

What’s remarkable about this audiobook experience is that you can unravel these mysteries without spending a dime. offers listeners like us a chance to download Flawless for free – a generous gift for those who love getting lost in tales of intrigue without having to leave their homes or reach for their wallets.

This second installment by Sara Shepard has truly outdone itself; it’s more intense than its predecessor and sets high expectations for what’s next. As Cassandra Morris’ narration reveals the increasing anxiety of our protagonists, one can’t help but feel ensnared in their desperation – their fear becomes your fear; their need for answers becomes your quest.

Spencer suspects her sister wants revenge; Toby looms as an enigmatic figure possibly harboring his own motives. But are these suspicions mere distractions from the truth? The answer lies hidden within these well-crafted narratives – clues sprinkled throughout like breadcrumbs leading us down darker paths.

Flawless isn’t just another romance – it’s a psychological maze that tests friendships and questions how well one can truly know another person. And just when you think you’ve figured it out, another twist leaves you questioning everything all over again.

As dawn broke through my windowpane, casting light on secrets best kept in darkness, I remained motionless – pondering over the chilling journey I had just experienced. With heart still racing and mind whirling with theories, I knew one thing for certain: had granted me passage into a world where every secret has its price – and every listener is richly rewarded.

Happy listening,


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