Glint Audiobook – The Plated Prisoner, Book 2

RomanceGlint Audiobook - The Plated Prisoner, Book 2
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Status: Completed
Version: Unabridged
Author: Raven Kennedy
Narrator: Blake Lockheart, Zara Eden
Series: The Plated Prisoner
Genre: Romance
Updated: 31/03/2024
Listening Time: 11 hrs and 48 mins
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  • Soulful_ExplorationGlint Audiobook
  • Glint_ The Plated Prisoner Series, Book 2Glint Audiobook

Glint Audiobook Review: A Golden Pawn in an Epic Fantasy Chessboard

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across my quiet room, I found myself at the precipice of an adventure, embarking on a journey through the Glint Audiobook. This is the second chapter in The Plated Prisoner series by Raven Kennedy, a saga that promises to weave a tapestry of magic, romance, and rebellion. With Zara Eden and Blake Lockheart lending their voices to bring this intricate world to life, I was ready to dive into the depths of Orea once more, curious to see how its golden threads would entangle me this time.

From the very first words, it was clear that Glint was not just a continuation but an expansion of the universe introduced in the series’ opener. The story picks up with our protagonist ensnared in a new kind of captivity – one far removed from the gilded confines of King Midas’s palace. Now a pawn amidst the ranks of the Fourth Kingdom’s army and under the watchful gaze of Commander Rip, her journey takes on a darker hue. This shift is palpable in every word spoken by Eden and Lockheart, whose performances capture the essence of a world teetering on the brink of war.

Raven Kennedy’s narrative prowess shines as she delves deeper into the lore of Orea, painting a picture so vivid it feels as though one could reach out and touch the spiked back of Rip or feel the oppressive weight of uncertainty that cloaks our heroine. The intricacies of Fae politics and the looming threat they pose are explored with a deftness that keeps you riveted, eager to uncover more about these enigmatic beings and their impact on the world.

The dual narration by Eden and Lockheart adds layers to this already complex tale. Eden’s portrayal of our protagonist is filled with resilience and vulnerability – a golden thread weaving through the fabric of the story. Lockheart’s depiction of Rip is equally compelling; his voice carries the weight of hidden depths and untold stories, hinting at turmoil beneath a hardened exterior. Together, they create an auditory experience that elevates Kennedy’s prose, ensuring that listeners are not merely observers but participants in this epic fantasy.

Glint excels in its exploration of themes such as freedom, power, and identity. Our protagonist’s evolution from a gilded captive to a figure carving her own path amidst chaos is rendered with poignant clarity. Her interactions with Rip – fraught with tension and an undeniable connection – serve as both mirror and window into her soul. These moments are among the audiobook’s most captivating, offering glimpses into what liberation truly means for someone who has known nothing but confinement.

As I reached the conclusion of Glint, I found myself reflecting on its myriad twists and turns – the ways in which love can be both chain and key, and how power can shift from one moment to the next. The audiobook leaves listeners teetering on the edge of revelation, hungry for what comes next in this enchanting saga.

For those eager to embark on this journey through Orea, Glint Audiobook awaits at It promises not just an escape but an immersion into a world where every shadow holds mystery and every light harbors magic.

As I close this chapter on Glint, my mind already wanders towards what lies ahead. The Plated Prisoner series has ensnared me wholly – each character’s fate now intertwined with my own anticipation for their journeys’ continuation.

Looking forward to our next foray into storyscapes. Happy listening,



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