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Shakespeare for Squirrels audiobook – Fool, Book 3

Literature & FictionShakespeare for Squirrels audiobook - Fool, Book 3
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Status: Completed
Version: Unabridged
Author: Christopher Moore
Narrator: Euan Morton
Series: Fool
Genre: Literature & Fiction
Updated: 01/01/2024
Listening Time: Unknown
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Shakespeare for Squirrels Audiobook by Christopher Moore: A Rollicking Tale of Wit and Whimsy

As the first light of dawn crept through my window, I nestled into my favorite armchair, a trusty old friend that has seen me through countless adventures. There’s something about the quiet hours of the morning that makes them perfect for literary escapades. With a steaming mug of coffee in hand, I pressed play on Shakespeare for Squirrels audiobook by Christopher Moore, ready to be whisked away to ancient Greece through Euan Morton’s compelling narration.

Christopher Moore’s final installment in his whimsical trilogy is nothing short of a masterpiece. We reunite with Pocket, our sharp-tongued fool who has danced with pirates and waded through Venetian intrigue. Now, he finds himself amid Grecian chaos, where love tangles with folly and fate plays its hand with a sly grin.

Pocket’s arrival in Greece is as fortuitous as it is audacious. The tale unfolds with Hermia defying her father Egeus, risking all for love – an act of rebellion that resonates deeply with anyone who’s ever dared to chase their heart’s true desire. As Stephen Dale, a man who once penned stories and now revels in them through spoken word, I felt an affinity with Pocket’s plucky spirit.

Euan Morton’s voice is like a siren’s call – charming listeners into this world where Shakespearean motifs blend seamlessly with Moore’s irreverent humor. Each character springs to life, from the obstinate Egeus to the love-struck Hermia; their voices are distinct and richly portrayed.

The genius of Moore lies not only in his ability to retell classic tales with a fresh twist but also in his capacity to weave complex narratives that mirror our own follies and triumphs. As Pocket dodges the Duke’s wrath and scurries into Oberon’s service, we see more than just a jester at work; we witness a man navigating the treacherous waters of power and survival – a timeless struggle indeed.

Amidst all this intrigue and comedy, what truly stands out is how freely accessible this gem is on The thought that fellow audiobook enthusiasts can download and enjoy Shakespeare for Squirrels without parting with a single dime fills me with joy. It reinforces my belief that stories are meant to be shared far and wide.

As Pocket delves deeper into the mystery surrounding the king’s lost clown, every suspect becomes more colorful than the last. And isn’t that just like life? We meet characters – some benign, others nefarious – but each leaves an indelible mark on our journey.

The crescendo of this narrative arc delivers an ending so cunningly crafted it would make the Bard himself nod in approval. Through Morton’s performance, I felt as though I were right there beside Pocket as he pulled off his grandest scheme yet.

Closing my eyes for a moment after the final words had been spoken, I reflected on how stories like these remind us of the sheer unpredictability of life – the mirth mixed with melancholy, chaos intertwined with clarity.

So here’s my invitation: step into Christopher Moore’s world where wit reigns supreme and laughter awaits at every turn. You’ll find no better guide than Euan Morton’s enchanting voice leading you through Shakespeare for Squirrels, available now on for your listening pleasure.

Happy listening,



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