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You Owe You audiobook by Eric Thomas PhD, Chris Paul – foreword

Business & CareersYou Owe You audiobook by Eric Thomas PhD, Chris Paul - foreword
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Status: Completed
Version: Unabridged
Author: Chris Paul - foreword, Eric Thomas PhD
Narrator: Cary Hite, Eric Thomas PhD

Genre: Business & Careers
Updated: 16/01/2024
Listening Time: Unknown
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You Owe You Audiobook: Unleashing the Master of Your Destiny

As dawn’s first light crept through my bedroom window, I lay there, entangled in a web of thoughts that had kept me awake most of the night. The silence of the early hours was a stark contrast to the turmoil within me, a constant battle between self-doubt and aspiration. It was during one such introspective morning that I discovered You Owe You audiobook by Eric Thomas PhD, narrated with fiery passion by Eric Thomas himself and Cary Hite. This wasn’t just an audiobook; it was a clarion call to awaken the dormant titan within me.

The narrative dives deep into the psyche, challenging listeners like myself to shatter the invisible chains we’ve forged from societal expectations and our own limiting beliefs. Eric Thomas’s conviction resonates in every word, each sentence a sledgehammer breaking down walls of negativity brick by brick. As I listened, cocooned in my bedsheets yet feeling more exposed than ever, I could feel the layers of my own pessimism peeling away.

What struck me most profoundly was how Eric Thomas laid bare his soul, sharing his trials and tribulations with unflinching honesty. His journey from despair to self-empowerment wasn’t just inspiring; it felt like a mirror reflecting back my own potential. And as he spoke about breaking free from self-imposed prisons, I felt an electrifying sense of kinship with him.

The tandem narration with Cary Hite added a rich texture to the experience, providing an echo to Thomas’s powerful voice that reverberated through my mind long after each listening session ended. Their voices became my morning coffee, an invigorating blend that jump-started my days with newfound purpose and determination.

For those yearning for this transformative experience but wary of expenses – fret not! becomes your digital haven where You Owe You can be freely downloaded and savored. Yes, you read that right – free! It’s as if Eric Thomas is extending his hand personally to pull you out of mediocrity without asking for anything but your commitment to change.

As I progressed through each chapter, it wasn’t just an audiobook I was consuming; it was sustenance for my soul. The practical wisdom imparted was not just heard but felt deeply. Each anecdote shared by Thomas served as both salve and catalyst – healing old wounds while igniting a fire within to forge ahead on my path with renewed vigor.

The brilliance of You Owe You lies not merely in its content but also in its timing. In an era where external forces seem overwhelming and individual agency appears diminished, Eric Thomas serves as both guide and guardian angel – reminding us that true power lies within our grasp if only we choose to seize it.

And so here I am now, no longer just Stephen Dale – former author turned book blogger – but Stephen Dale reinvigorated; someone who has been reminded that he owes it to himself to live fully and fearlessly. This audiobook didn’t just speak to me; it roared into existence within me.

To those who find themselves at crossroads or engulfed in shadows of doubt: let You Owe You be your beacon. Venture over to where this powerful manifesto awaits you at no cost but promises riches beyond measure – riches of the spirit and mind.

In closing this chapter on my review but opening another in life’s grand narrative, remember this: When you rise each morning, know that the world owes you nothing…but you owe everything to yourself.

Happy listening,


My name is Stephen Dale, I enjoy listening to the Audiobooks and finding ways to help your guys have the same wonderful experiences. I am open, friendly, outgoing, and a team player. Let share with me!


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